
God without Parts: Divine Simplicity and the Metaphysics of God’s Absoluteness is unavailable, but you can change that!

The doctrine of divine simplicity has long played a crucial role in Western Christianity’s understanding of God. It claimed that by denying that God is composed of parts Christians are able to account for his absolute self-sufficiency and his ultimate sufficiency as the absolute Creator of the world. If God were a composite being then something other than the Godhead itself would be required to...

The doctrine of divine simplicity is not plainly revealed in Scripture, but is arrived at by rational reflection upon a host of biblical data and other more clearly revealed doctrines about God. This does not suggest that it is an unbiblical doctrine, but only that its cognitive realization is by way of contemplation upon the good and necessary consequence of other pieces of classical Christian dogmata (see WCF 1.6). Gerrit Immink
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